Seven Tools for Purposeful Parenting
In Family First, Dr. Phil offers parents strategies to manage crisis and bring peace into their households. Below are the tools that can help turn...
Want to know how well you are parenting your children? Take Dr. Phil's test by answering true or false to the following questions.
Click here for a printable version of this questionnaire.
Part One
1. My children can predict the consequences of their actions with a high degree of accuracy.
2. My children know they have to perform certain things they don't want to do in order to get access to things they do want to do.
3. My partner and I present a united front regarding rules and discipline to our children.
4. I adjust my communications to my child to his/her level of understanding, taking his/her age into account.
5. I am friendly and loving with my children yet I have established myself clearly as a respected authority figure in their lives.
Part Two
1. I choose rewards and punishments based on what works
2. I reward my child for good behavior.
3. I parent without guilt.
4. I am sensitive to not over-scheduling my child.
5. I render discipline without anger.
Scoring: If you answered "false" to any questions in part one or part two, there are things you can do to more effectively discipline your child. Advice
In Family First, Dr. Phil offers parents strategies to manage crisis and bring peace into their households. Below are the tools that can help turn...
Communicating with your child can be difficult, so it’s important that you discipline yourself to get your message through the right way. Even if...
Are you overwhelmed dealing with your child's temper tantrums? Do you want to achieve peace in your household, but you're not sure if the situation...