A Letter From Taylor: Identical Twin In Recovery From Serious Eating Disorder
Dr. Phil met 16-year-old identical twins Taylor and Tricia in 2016 when they each weighed less than 80 lbs. The sisters were referred to separate...
2 min read
Dr. Phil Staff May 25 2023
Dr. Phil met 16-year-old identical twins Taylor and Tricia in 2016 when they each weighed less than 80 lbs. The sisters were referred to separate treatment facilities to address their eating disorders, and as of September 2019, report having gained over 40 lbs. each.
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Taylor and Tricia came back to the Dr. Phil stage for an update on their recovery
Watch: Identical Twins Who Were Starving To Death Return!
Additionally, the twins have written letters about their recovery – and to thank Dr. Phil for his assistance in finding them help. Below is Tricia’s letter. Check here to read the letter from Taylor.
Tricia’s Letter:
Hello everyone, my name is Tricia. As some of you may already know, I am one of the twin girls that was on the episode Identical Twins Starving to Death: Who’s to Blame? in August 2016.
I’m here today at 19 years old, to share the rest of my story.
I just want to take a minute of everyone’s time today to share something I wrote and before I begin, I want to thank Dr. Phil and everyone for having me here today.
If you are reading this and are struggling, I want to let you know that there is hope. If you feel everyone is against you, and you are alone - there is hope. Hope is one of the biggest things I believe in. You are never alone in this fight. Reach out to someone, even to myself if you’d like. Reaching outlets your brain know there is still a “you.”
An eating disorder is more of a mental disorder where a voice in your head takes over. Talking to the voice only makes it weaker and the weaker it gets, the easier the day becomes. I learned this through the treatment center that Dr. Phil helped me get to.
I’m not going to sit here and lie and say it was easy. Recovery is hard. There have been days where I didn’t feel like fighting. Where I wanted to give up. Where I felt alone. But what lead me to keep fighting the fight is hope. I had to believe in myself to succeed.
Throughout my recovery, I’ve learned that recovery to me means finding yourself. It means being willing to really get to know yourself, and open up to the belief that you can actually love who you are. All of you. Even the parts that confuse you or frighten you, or that you don’t like
so much. It means the ability to let go of the person you thought you would be, or think you should be, and allow yourself to unfold into the person you truly are.
Today I learned who I am, and will continue to learn my true self. Life is truly beautiful. And it is a gift that I have it every day.
Before I end, one huge shout out to my family, and my fiancé and his family. You guys have really been my biggest motivation and I’m so thankful for each of you! I love you guys.
And finally to Taylor. Thank you for standing by my side. You have encouraged and push me to be the best version of myself. You are my biggest motivation in life. Sunny days or rainy days, you’d be there in a heartbeat. I just want to let you, and everyone reading this know, how proud I am of you!! Continue to build yourself, and I’ll guide you every step of the way. I truly believe I will never be able to thank you enough, no matter how many times I say it. I love you and your beautiful soul, tremendously.
Sincerely with love,
Tricia Rose
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Identical Twins Who Were Starving To Death Return!
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