1 min read

Are You Ready for a Successful Relationship?

Dr. Phil's formula for relationship success: The quality of a relationship is a function of the extent to which it is built on a solid underlying friendship and meets the needs of the two people involved.

But before you can even get there, you need to make sure you are ready for a successful relationship. Have you honestly and carefully prepared yourself for what is to come? All of the following should be true for you.

  • I realize that it's not too late. 
  • It is reasonable for me to want a rewarding and fulfilling relationship.
  • I am entitled to and deserve a high-quality, caring relationship.
  • I have identified the wrong thinking and bad spirits that have contaminated my previous relationships.
  • I have embraced the Personal Relationship Values that will configure me for success.
  • I have diagnosed and gotten real about the pain and problems in this relationship.
  • I accept and acknowledge full ownership of my contribution to where this relationship is.
  • I am committed to tapping into my core of consciousness.

    If you can fully endorse each one of these statements with a resounding "True," then you're ready to move forward and make a relationship work.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Accusations causing a rift in your relationship?

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