Before Separating from an Abusive Partner and Seeking Custody
Fighting for custody of a child when there is alleged abuse can be very difficult. Civil and family attorney Areva Martin and the National Network to...
Do you wonder if you're in an abusive relationship? Read the following excuses that abusers and their victims give. Abusers often blame others for their behavior. There is NO EXCUSE that justifies being abusive to another person.
People who are being abused often minimize what their abusive partner is doing, and give their own excuses for why they won't leave.
Do you recognize yourself or your partner in the above excuses? You may be in a dangerous relationship with unhealthy patterns. Please seek help — call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233).
Fighting for custody of a child when there is alleged abuse can be very difficult. Civil and family attorney Areva Martin and the National Network to...
Amy says when she was 18 years old, she was held prisoner, chained up and raped by a man and his friends for over a year. She says she was subjected...
Whether you're desperate or not, whether you are intending to come across that way or not, if you're telling yourself things like "I must," I have...