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Easy Tips For Parents To Protect Their Children Online

“We used to have the wild, wild west. Now we’ve got the wild, wild web.” — Dr. Phil

Social media is a great way for parents to share photos of their children with friends and family members worldwide, allowing loved ones to be a part of candid moments.

When it comes to posting photos and information online, there are also potential dangers, as parents can unknowingly open their private lives up to unwanted eyes. But, as Dr. Phil explains, there are ways to protect your family, yet still be able to share these special occasions.

“You need to be careful where you share them, because I promise you, there are predators among us, and they use those pictures in ways that you never intended,” Dr. Phil cautions. “It’s a sad fact, but it’s true.”

To avoid potential cyber pitfalls, parents need to be aware of things like privacy settings on social media sites, “which may seem kind of basic, but they can really make a difference,” Dr. Phil adds.

According to PBS Parents, here are some simple tips for keeping children safe online:

Take advantage of privacy settings. By using the privacy settings offered on Facebook or other social media sites, you decrease the chances that online predators can view photos you post for family and friends, says Vivian Shic, spokesperson for Trend Micro, an Internet security firm.

Choose hack-proof passwords. Elizabeth Stanula, spokesperson for Geek Squad Agents, warns not to use personal information like birthdays or children’s names in your passwords. Nor should you use complete words, she says: “One of the most basic hacker tactics is known as a ‘dictionary attack,’ where an automated program will attempt the words of the dictionary.”

For the complete list of 5 Tips for Keeping Kids Safe online and for additional information from PBS, click here.

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