Boost Your Mood with Mood Bloom
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 18, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 3, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Dr. Phil speaks with Jonathan Lawson, an Insurance Professional and spokesperson for Colonial Penn Life...
Dec 11, 2024 by Dr. Phil Staff
As inflation rises and the U.S. debt climbs past a staggering $36 trillion, many Americans are re-evaluating...
This year, if you follow Dr. Phil's advice, you can actually lose weight over the holidays without feeling deprived. Here are some of Dr. Phil's tips:
Are you obsessed with getting married? If so, Dr. Phil suggests that you ask yourself some questions before rushing into marriage with Mr. Right Now instead of waiting for Mr. Right.
These days, divorce lawyers don't have to go far to find evidence " they just go on the Internet. Did you know that what you post online can be used against you in court, especially in a divorce?...
If the holidays are a time of stress for you, or if too much family time is making you wish you could wake up when Christmas was all over, Dr. Phil has advice.
We all have a certain way of "being in the world." Everybody has a look, an attitude, a certain role and demeanor that they choose when dealing with others. This is your personality and it dictates...
Open Letter To Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos From Former Staten Island Warehouse Worker Chris Smalls
Dr. Phil says that parents must require certain behavior from their children so they will learn how to succeed in the world. He says it’s a parent’s duty to make sure their children conduct...
In her recent book, Love & Money: Protecting Yourself from Angry Exes, Wacky Relatives, Con Artists, and Inner Demon, estate management attorney Ann-Margaret Carrozza offers advice for protecting...
Communicating with your child can be difficult, so it’s important that you discipline yourself to get your message through the right way. Even if your child displays eye rolling or heavy sighs, or...
Are you an unsuspecting sitting duck for a bad girl? Take the following quiz from Dr. Carole Lieberman, author of Bad Girls, and find out! Men: For each item that describes you, circle the "Q".
Dr. Phil answers the questions everyone wants to know about his groundbreaking series "Relationship Rescue Retreat," where six couples on the verge of divorce are sequestered in his studio. The...
If you have recently had a traumatic experience, you may be having feelings that are new to you. Dr. Phil explains that some of these emotions and fears are normal under the circumstances, and offers...