Boost Your Mood with Mood Bloom
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 18, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 3, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Dr. Phil speaks with Jonathan Lawson, an Insurance Professional and spokesperson for Colonial Penn Life...
Dec 11, 2024 by Dr. Phil Staff
As inflation rises and the U.S. debt climbs past a staggering $36 trillion, many Americans are re-evaluating...
The most violent time in an abusive relationship is the minute the woman leaves, or tries to leave. In fact, in domestic violence cases, more than 70 percent of injuries and murders happen after the...
As parents, we need to be aware of the importance of thoughtful negotiations in our family relationships. The objective in relationship negotiations is: Everyone walks away a winner. You want both...
If you're in the middle of a family feud — whether it involves money or not — ask yourself: Is it worth losing a loved one over?
Is your teen turning to drugs or alcohol? Skipping school? Hanging out with the wrong crowd? Or falling prey to internet dangers during the COVID-19 Crisis? We want to hear from you! Click here to...
If you're a single mother, you may have to deal with a father who isn't very involved in your child's life. How you explain the situation to your child is important. Dr. Phil shares his advice:
Too many Americans die as the result of a mental health emergency because they don’t know how to get help. The new national three-digit emergency hotline is designed to change that. Just as U.S....
Money expert and best-selling author Loral Langemeier shares her strategies for getting out of debt and creating wealth:
This test, from Relationship Rescue, is designed to give you a quick snapshot of the health of your relationship. Answer each question as "True" or "False." Be honest and go with your first reaction....
Looking for love online comes with risks. Many have fallen victim to romance scams, where an online imposter known as a catfish tries to win love — or money — by preying on the most vulnerable...
Robin McGraw invites you to share in the magic of the holiday season with advice on how to budget, organize and celebrate, while keeping stress to a minimum. "My favorite memories are the Christmases...
Are you ready to walk down the aisle? Have you considered getting a prenuptial agreement? Ann-Margaret Carrozza, an asset protection attorney and author of Love & Money: Protecting Yourself from...