Five Critical Steps for Negotiating with Your Child
As parents, we need to be aware of the importance of thoughtful negotiations in our family relationships. The objective in relationship...
In Family First, Dr. Phil offers parents strategies to manage crisis and bring peace into their households. Below are the tools that can help turn your chaotic family into a phenomenal one. This is just a short overview of Dr. Phil's Seven Tools for Purposeful Parenting. For a more complete understanding of how to create the change you want in your family, see Chapter 7 in Family First: Your Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family.
Tool 1: Parenting with Purpose One of the most important and exciting decisions you can make as a parent is to define success goals for your child. Choosing, communicating and pursuing clear and age-appropriate goals for your child will give them a sense of purpose that brings them the experience of mastering their world as they achieve the designated benchmarks in their lives. Your definition of success for your child must reflect your child's interests, skills and abilities and not just yours. Two possible goals to consider are socialization and authenticity. Socialization means helping your child to become a responsible citizen, learning how to work in harmony with other people and to develop intimate and trusting relationships. Authenticity is fostered when you set goals suited to your child's interests, abilities and talents. One of the great responsibilities you have as a parent — and one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children — is to teach them to develop their gifts fully to build their lives around whatever it is that fulfills them.
Tool 2: Parenting with Clarity This tool is based on the principle that communication between parents and their children is essential for building and maintaining a loving and productive relationship. Children need to feel that they have certain power and influence within the framework of the boundaries that you've created in your family. The primary way to promote that feeling is to give them your full, undivided attention and weigh very carefully what they're seeking to convey. Listening is key. Too often, the only communication that takes place between you and your child is when a crisis has erupted. It's important to talk about critical issues outside of stress-packed situations. The time to discuss curfew, for example, is not when the child comes home 30 minutes late. The rules should be established before the kid goes out at night. If he breaks curfew, save the discussions of consequences until the calm of the next morning when you both have clear heads. Yelling and screaming in the heat of the moment is the poorest form of communication you can practice. Sometimes when it comes to communication, timing is everything. Children want to be heard and know that their feelings are being considered. They want to know that they can earn certain rights and privileges if they do what is expected of them. They want to have a perception of some power, some ability to create what they want.
Tool 3: Parenting by Negotiation As parents, you can negotiate with many different styles. The first step is to assess the kind of personalities and types you're dealing with. That will tell you what type of negotiation approach to take. If you've got a highly rebellious kid, you don't necessarily want to approach the negotiations in a heavy-handed way. One of the first steps in teaching your child negotiation basics is to make sure he or she can predict the consequences of their actions so they have a sense of responsibility for the outcomes generated. Five critical steps to successful negotiation are: - Narrow the area of dispute. - Find out what it is they really want. - Work to find a middle ground. - Be specific in your agreement and the negotiation's outcome. - Make negotiated agreements, shorter term in the beginning.
Tool 4: Parenting with Currency If you want your child to behave appropriately, you have to set the standards for the behaviors you want. Too often, parents look only at undesirable behaviors and their parenting styles dissolve into complaining and reacting. If you focus on developing the positive behaviors in your child, then the negative behaviors won't be so overwhelming. You also have to determine your child's currency. Currency is anything that when presented during or immediately after a target behavior will increase the likelihood of that behavior occurring again. Figure out a way for them to get as much of what they want through appropriate behavior. There are a number of different currencies that can vary with your child's age. This can be stuffed animals, DVDs, television and computer privileges and stereos. Once you understand what is valuable in your child's life, then you can mold and shape his or her behavior. It is also effective to put in writing what you expect of your child, and what the consequences will be if he or she does not go with the program. These are called contingency contracts or behavioral contracts. Click here to download a sample contract. ( Adobe Acrobat is required).
Tool 5: Parenting Through Change You must be willing to adopt a commando commitment. This is having a whatever-it-takes mentality. This may mean that you may have to take two weeks off from your job and stay home with the children. You might have to drive a less expensive car, live in a smaller house, cut down on eating out or vacationing closer to home. The future of you and your children is at stake. Drastic problems call for drastic solutions. It's called creating "disequilibrium," because it results in a redefinition of roles and a major shift of power that can be temporarily unsettling to those who were running the show and having their way. Shaking up a family requires thoughtful planning. Some ways to create disequilibrium are writing an expression of commitment, developing a communication system, holding a support system and anticipating resistance.
Tool 6: Parenting in Harmony You do not have to compete with distractions like TV, cell phones, video games or Instant Messaging. The best way to accomplish your mission for family control is to insist on an environmental cleanup. The sooner you start this process and the younger your children are when you change the rhythm of your life, the easier it will be and more profound will be the impact. You can start by listing your family's top ten priorities. Then list the top ten things that waste time in your household. Once you compare the two lists, determine whether or not the way your family is living and investing their time is congruent. If you find the priorities and values at the top of your first list reside at the bottom of your time allocation list, you must consciously start reordering your time and energy commitments in such a way as to put what you know to be important back on center stage.
Tool 7: Parenting By Example The most powerful role model in any child's life is the same-sex parent. It's a fact that children learn vicariously by observing the behavior of others and noting the consequences of their actions. They watch what happens to family members when they succeed or fail and those experiences become a reference for how they live. This is known as modeling. Through your actions, words, behavior and love, you can direct your children to where you want them to go. Show them how to be happy, well-balanced and fulfilled adults. Shed any negative attitudes. Dump self-destructive behavior patterns. Turn up the positive attitude.
TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Fighting with Family or Friends?
As parents, we need to be aware of the importance of thoughtful negotiations in our family relationships. The objective in relationship...
Starting right now, you can begin to make choices and take day-to-day actions that will create nothing short of a phenomenal family. You can choose...
Want to know how well you are parenting your children? Take Dr. Phil's test by answering true or false to the following questions.