1 min read

Single Parenting: Advice for Moms

If you're a single mother, you may have to deal with a father who isn't very involved in your child's life. How you explain the situation to your child is important. Dr. Phil shares his advice:

  • Realize that no matter what you do, you can't force your child's father to be involved.

  • Although having a father figure is important, it's not everything. As a good mother, you don't need a father to raise your child in a quality fashion.

  • Forcing a reluctant father to talk on the phone will only confuse your child.
  • If you try to force a relationship with a father who doesn't want one, your child is bound to feel disappointed and rejected.

  • Don't talk negatively about your child's father, but don't glorify him, either.

  • Leave the door open for responsible contact between the father and your child.

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