1 min read

Suicide Myths

A recent rise in teen deaths by suicide has parents and educators concerned. Is your loved one at risk? Dr. Phil sheds light on common myths. 

  • Suicide always occurs without any warning signs.
  • Once people decide to die by suicide, there is nothing you can do to stop them.
  • Suicide only strikes people of a certain gender, race, financial status, age, etc.
  • People who attempt suicide and survive will not attempt suicide again.
  • People who attempt suicide are crazy.
  • People who attempt suicide are weak.
  • You should never ask people who are suicidal if they are thinking about suicide because talking about it will give them the idea.
  • Young people never think about suicide because they have their entire life ahead of them.
  • There is little correlation between alcohol or drug abuse and suicide.
  • People who are suicidal do not seek help.
  • Only depressed kids attempt suicide.
  • Telling someone to cheer up usually helps.
  • It's best to keep someone's suicidal feelings a secret.
  • If someone promised to seek help, your job is done.

If a friend or loved one is talking about or planning to take his or her life, reach out for help now. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255).

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