Boost Your Mood with Mood Bloom
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 18, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 3, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Dr. Phil speaks with Jonathan Lawson, an Insurance Professional and spokesperson for Colonial Penn Life...
Dec 11, 2024 by Dr. Phil Staff
As inflation rises and the U.S. debt climbs past a staggering $36 trillion, many Americans are re-evaluating...
Secrets, lies, and tricks are tactics many con artists use to manipulate people to get what they want, oftentimes destroying their victim's lives forever. Con artists gain a person's confidence so...
Meeting the love of your life doesn't take one huge step; it takes lots of little steps in the right direction. To up your chance of finding him, you've got to get out there, make an effort and make...
Do you wonder if you're in an abusive relationship? Read the following excuses that abusers and their victims give. Abusers often blame others for their behavior. There is NO EXCUSE that justifies...
Are you looking for Mr. Right but only finding Mr. Wrong? Dr. Phil shares advice to help enhance your dating life.
Is getting married right for you? What do you need to know before you walk down the aisle? Dr. Phil advises you to take a closer look at yourself and the relationship before tying the knot. Ask...
With more than 40 million men and women online looking for love, there are bound to be some scam artists out there. A “catfish” is a person who creates a false online identity in the hopes of luring...
In an abusive relationship, there are often consistent warning signs. When Georgia Smiled: The Robin McGraw and Dr. Phil Foundation creates and advances programs that help victims of domestic...
Couples who are trying to work their way back from a near-divorce are faced with the ultimate challenge. Rebuilding trust and infusing the partnership with love takes introspection, forgiveness and a...
Are you obsessed with getting married? If so, Dr. Phil suggests that you ask yourself some questions before rushing into marriage with Mr. Right Now instead of waiting for Mr. Right.
These days, divorce lawyers don't have to go far to find evidence " they just go on the Internet. Did you know that what you post online can be used against you in court, especially in a divorce?...
Are you an unsuspecting sitting duck for a bad girl? Take the following quiz from Dr. Carole Lieberman, author of Bad Girls, and find out! Men: For each item that describes you, circle the "Q".
Dr. Phil answers the questions everyone wants to know about his groundbreaking series "Relationship Rescue Retreat," where six couples on the verge of divorce are sequestered in his studio. The...