Boost Your Mood with Mood Bloom
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 18, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Looking for a fun and effective way to support your mental wellness? Mood Bloom is a mobile gaming app with...
Feb 3, 2025 by Dr. Phil Staff
Dr. Phil speaks with Jonathan Lawson, an Insurance Professional and spokesperson for Colonial Penn Life...
Dec 11, 2024 by Dr. Phil Staff
As inflation rises and the U.S. debt climbs past a staggering $36 trillion, many Americans are re-evaluating...
If you plan on sticking with your spouse, then you're also stuck with your in-laws. Here's Dr. Phil's advice for dealing with your new extended family:
Not everyone on Internet dating sites is looking for love; some may be hoping to scam their next potential victim. Dr. Phil says there are typical ways in which online dating con artists work. The...
Every one of us has an irrational and destructive emotional side to our personality. This dark side can sabotage your relationship in an insidious way. Below are the most common characteristics of...
Whether you're desperate or not, whether you are intending to come across that way or not, if you're telling yourself things like "I must," I have to" and "It is a catastrophe if they don’t love me,"...
Newlyweds can expect a certain number of ups and downs during their first year of marriage. Below are some steps to take to make it through the first year of your lives together, happy and intact.
Do you ever lie? Or are you in a relationship with a liar? Dr. Phil offers steps to change your behavior, and in turn, change your relationship with a dishonest person.
How well do you know your partner? After taking Dr. Phil's "Partner Awareness Quiz," take a closer look at your relationship keeping in mind these two fundamental truths: