Dr. Phil Daytime

My Husband Spanked Me With a Wooden Spoon and He Wants Me to Apologize?!

Written by Dr. Phil Staff | June 13, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Coming up on Dr. Phil: Delusional Discipline and Disturbing Beliefs. "My husband spanks me with a paddle. Say yes, sir." In this unsettling episode, Dr. Phil meets a couple grappling with extreme disciplinary practices and bizarre beliefs.

The husband, seemingly delusional, kept a dead dog in their house for five days, believing he could resurrect it like Jesus did with Lazarus. His conviction in his abilities to perform miracles was unsettling, and it raised serious concerns about his mental state.

The wife recounts a disturbing incident: She videotaped him giving a red belly to your son. This act of physical discipline captured on video was not only shocking but also raised questions about the family's acceptance of such behavior. As Dr. Phil delves deeper into the situation, the underlying issues of control and power dynamics within the household become apparent.

Can Dr. Phil bring clarity and intervention to this troubled household? The stakes are high, and the need for professional help is evident. Tune in to find out how Dr. Phil navigates through the complex web of beliefs and behaviors in this family. Check your local listings for air times.